Sandro Mirianashvili

Sandro Mirianashvili

Software Engineer from Tbilisi, Georgia


About Me

Software Engineer and Course Instructor with 4+ years of experience and a demonstrated history of working in the education industry. Strong education professional with a Bachelor's degree focused on Computer Science from Tbilisi State University.




Software Engineer / -

C# Asp.Net Core Microsoft SQL Server HTML CSS Angular Javascript ElasticSearch
IT Center Mziuri

IT Center Mziuri

Course Instructor / -

  • Created Python course syllabus from scratch
  • Taught programming basics with Python and C++
  • Check student's assignments, tests and projects and gave them some advice to improve their code quality
Algorithms Data Structures C++ Python Flask HTML CSS


Software Developer / -

Worked on student portfolio web application

C# Asp.Net MVC Microsoft SQL Server HTML CSS Bootstrap JQuery


Tbilisi State University

Computer Science / -

Bachelors Degree, Computer Science
Activities: Hackathons, Online Programming Competition

1st Experimental School of Tbilisi

High School / -

Activities: National Olympiads, Computer Draw Club


Gamification Hackathon

1st place, Developed android mobile application HERO, which offers users one time, simple jobs.

Google I/O Hackathon

2nd Place, Web application, which helps people to choose university and faculty based on their interests, location and other factors.

Social Impacts Award

Winner, My team and I won Social Impact Awards 2017 competition with a project called BReader.

Gold Medal

Received a Gold Medal for completing my high school with 4.0


Tech Stack: C#, Asp.Net MVC/Core, Python(flask), Microsoft SQL Server, Angular, Git, Docker

Foreign Languages: English, Russian, Georgian
